Here are sketches and preliminary thumbnails that I did during the production of Tangled. I always find interesting to see other animator´s thinking process and thumbnails so I figured that might be interesting to share this.
This one has included a self-caricature of me on my normal work pose. And also a caricature of director Byron Howard, who introduced a new form of applause to our team , the” snap-plause” used only when the shot is NEARLY approved but not fully approved.
Here are some explorations for a shot in the Thug pub scene, and also some random characters.
This page includes a caricature of Chad Sellers ( down)
Some explorations for a pose for Flynn, also on the left a bad caricature of director Nathan Greno , and a sketch of a girl based on Penny from “the big bang theory”( I know , it has nothing to do…my sketchbook is really unorganized..!)
Here I was learning how to do a braid, using the internet as a source of information.
Some ideas on the trajectory to be used for the scene where four little girls braid Rapunzel´s hair.
More studies for the little girls braiding.
Notes and pose thumbnails
Braiding girls exploration sketches
thumbnails for Rapunzel , and some other random stuff.
These thumbnails where used for a test shot, never used in the movie.
These stick figure thumbnails are very helpful for planning complicated actions, this is a moment where Flynn is scared of Maximus , who tries to catch him.
This is an example of notes taken during dailies, sometimes other random stuff comes in..
stick figure studies for the movement of Rapunzel trying to stop Maximus.
This was one of my firsts assignments on the movie
Que bien que compartas el “making off” de ese magnífico trabajo que has hecho. Impresionante!!
Impresionante, muy bonito. Si estos son sólo bocetos, el material definitivo tiene que ser tremendo.
Muchas gracias por compartir este material !!!
Muy xulo!!! que cañita!
Sin habla me has dejado amigo
Enhorabuena por la pelicula, ya la he visto y me ha encantado! , un gran trabajo! Felicidades
Que chulos!! Dani ayer vi Tangled….y es impresionante…hace mucho mucho tiempo que no salgo diciendo…menuda obra de arte…me ha encantado todo…guión, personajes,animación…necesito tenerla en mis manos y vermela miles de veces…que sepas que no me levanté del cine asta que vi tu nombre en los creditos! felicidades por haber formado parte de ella!! un besazo pareja!!!!
Fantastico ritmo de línea. Me encantó Tangled. Felicitaciones!
Por si acaso conoces a alguno de los que ha participado en el desaroollo del videojuego de Tangled?
Very Cool! Thanks for sharing!